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Soma Reality


Soma Reality GmbH



Soma Reality is a cutting-edge healthcare technology company on a mission to transform the way they understand and monitor cognitive health. Their vision is to create a world where everyone can effortlessly access continuous insights into their well-being.

In pursuit of this vision, they are spearheading the digitization of neuropsychology, a field that has traditionally relied on pen-and-paper tests and offered only snapshots of an individual's mental state. They are at the forefront of developing scientifically validated cognitive digital biomarkers that enable real-time, objective monitoring of cognitive health.

At the core of their innovation is eye tracking technology, which they integrate into a variety of devices such as VR/AR headsets and smartphones. This groundbreaking approach allows them to provide unparalleled insights into cognitive health by continuously tracking and analyzing eye movements.

At Soma Reality, they are committed to revolutionizing healthcare by making cognitive health monitoring more accessible, accurate, and convenient.

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